Will you walk with me?
Along the shores of another plane
And speak of things both wild and sane
Will you walk with me? 

Will you walk with me?
To dream, to speak, to fond embrace
A charge against that darkest space
That steals the soul, the mind, the heart
To cruelly taunt one set apart
Will you walk with me?

Will you walk with me?
As I lay my head upon the sky
Drink my fill of the desert’s dry
As I curl upon the tempest sea
And reach out to eternity
Will you walk with me?

Will you walk with me?
Into swirling mists void of time
Abyss of light, nowhere to climb
Hand to hand, heart into heart
Spirits one, yet two - apart
Will you walk with me?

Will you walk with me?
No step nor tread nor move increase
In perfect love, in perfect peace
Come . . . walk with me.
